Buying Local Supports More Than Just Us!


When Bastrop Cattle Company uses the word “Local” we mean it!

Yes, our beef is local.  You know that!  Our cattle are raised between four family ranches within a two county area of Central Texas.  But there is more to “Local” than just that.

The processing of our beef is done in a small, family owned, state inspected facility in Fayette County.  The beef is handled by skilled butchers who live in the community that surrounds the facility.  The work they do, fills many local needs besides ours.  It’s a facility that supports a good, living wage for skilled workers who take great pride in their work.

Everything that goes into the raising of our beef is local as well.  We buy our winter hay (horse quality coastal) from local grass ranchers in Lee County.  When they showed up with our hay this past November, they rolled in with four flatbeds being driven by the extended family.  The hay was wonderful!  As they unloaded it, the fragrance of the fresh hay waffed across the barn, and the cows stood outside salivating!

Our boxes and linings are done at a manufacturing facility just down the road from the ranch.  This facility has become so busy in the last year (I like to think in a small way due to us), that they are currently building out for more manufacturing and hiring more people.

One thing you might not expect is that all of our design work and food photography is done in-house by Max! We don’t use stock photography in our promotions, because even though you might think beef all looks the same, we like to make sure that customers are able to see our product exactly since many folks aren’t able to come to the ranch before purchasing.

A lot of modern businesses employ “dropshipping” which is where they never see any of the product or packaging before it is shipped to the customer, usually from far-away places. This approach works for other products, but we don’t think its the best idea for frozen food. By being involved with every single aspect of the beef production, we can ensure quality and remain resilient in the face of whatever disruptions happen on the national level.

So when you buy local - it means more than just the immediate product.  My cows and our beef does more than just eat “local” grass.  They generate a lot of work and jobs for other local Central Texas businesses, and you know that your purchase directly supports your Central Texas community!

Patricia JacobsComment